ARCHIVES ROOM NOTE: The Sorcerer fiend does NOT appear in this challenge.Here are some of the changes to expect for some of the Fiend Challenges:

In MN Mode, there are now 120 enemies to kill and the time limit for completion can vary from 300 seconds up to 7,000 seconds! Yes, 7,000 seconds! For later challenges towards the last few chapters, the enemy variances become more difficult and will require your absolute best skills (and patience) in order to complete them. Other than that, they are practically still the same enemy from Normal Mode. The only difference here is that these enemies now wear steel-armor mecha suits instead of their usual green-colored armor. Just like the Red Spider Ninjas, these guys only appear on MN Mode.

While their attacks are the same as the Black Spider Ninja guys, the attacks they inflict have fire damage added. These ninja enemies only appear in MN Mode and wear red-colored versions of the Black Spider Ninja outfits. Most (if not all) enemy attacks can kill you within a few hits and, since Ryu begins with an abnormally short Health bar, you'll need to learn to be super defensive as well as turn up your offense game. Once MN Mode is unlocked, be prepared for newer enemies and even more frustratingly cheap enemy tactics. If you CANNOT defeat Doku in Chapter 2 in either difficulty, then you'll have to unlock Master Ninja Mode the good ol' fashioned way by completing the game on each subsequent difficulty.